Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

My favorite time of the year is drawing near...

Ghosts, Ghouls & Goblins

Scary Movies

Haunted Houses

And, of course...


I love Halloween!

Friday, September 21, 2007

If You Love Someone Set Them FREE

A brief moment of silence for the loss of FREEdom, please...

I learned today that Avid has discontinued Avid Free DV. This is very sad news. Avid Free is one of the first place I send students who want to get a familiarity with the editing conventions of the Avid environment. It didn't contain enough functionality to make it viable as a commercial editing application, but it could certainly give you the skills you need to move to the next level as an editor.

Avid says there are plenty of other avenues to become familiar with their software, but I for one am in mourning.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Cool New Multimedia!

Has anyone seen the latest edition of Entertainment Weekly (Sept 21, 2007)?

If not, check out the Cadillac/CBS promotion - it is totally what we are studying in class!

The page is embedded with an ultra-small USB-Flash drive that holds about 128MB of information. It includes a Flash presentation that promotes the CBS Fall lineup. When you are done watching it, you can delete the media and use it as a USB drive. Very cool!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


I forgot to post the link to Manisha's blog when I posted the rest of the class. I have corrected the list now. Sorry Manisha!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Don't Wanna Be Loved

This is an example of an embedded link to a YouTube video.

The song is one I wrote several years ago, but a musician from Australia has re-recorded it with his vocals and slightly different lyrics. He made the video using found images (except the photoshopped image of me that looks like an alien! Very unusual.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

and the winner is...

Jo Ellen emailed me with the answer to my question about the really long dash. Here is her response:
Hi Bob,
In class you mentioned the elongated hyphen in Harley--Davidison and to email you if we figured it out.. I looked it up and think it is call an em-dash. It is used to create a pause with a bit more emphasis than a comma but a little less than a full stop or period mark. The dash is equal to the width of the letter "M" in the font you are using. Hope I guessed right. Jo

Class Blog list

Here are links to the class blog sites:

Jo Ellen

There are some really interesting posts. You should check them out and leave comments. You might get some ideas for your own blog!